Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Community comes together for the Jensen Family

Yesterday, at Daybreak Middle School in Battle Ground, the outpouring of love and support continued for Luke, Vikki, Steve, Jake and Tori Jensen in a successful fund raiser capped off a beautiful Saturday afternoon and early evening.

There were several Bingo games, drawings and activities for the kids as this effort raised $6100+ for the family as we all strive to do the best we can to celebrate Luke's life and many accomplishments that have touched us all so deeply.

A wonderful time was had by all. The Jensens came in with open arms and love in their hearts as they always do, their continuing strength shining as a beacon of their precious son.

Here's a few pictures of this wonderful day.

A wonderful turnout... as many as 300 came in throughout the day.

Just some of the literally hundreds of prizes for the Bingo games and drawings.

A great deal of food was donated, including yummy deserts, pizza, hot dogs and the like.

I would very much like to thank the Battle Ground School District, Superintendent Shonny Bria, the rest of the District Staff and the Principal and staff of Daybreak Middle School, the volunteers who made this happen and the American Cancer Society for letting us use this wonderful facility to help make this happen.

All of it was done to help by the genuinely caring people that have found their lives so impacted by this giant of a little boy and his amazing family.

Remember Luke. Remember Steve and Vikki and Jake and Tori.

I know I will.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Columbian coverage of Luke's Memorial

Boy’s faith celebrated at memorial service

Battle Ground's Luke Jensen, 9, lauded for courage he showed during long fight with leukemia

A memorial service for Luke Jensen, a 9-year-old Battle Ground boy who died from leukemia May 6, drew 1,800 people Tuesday.

A memorial service for Luke Jensen, a 9-year-old Battle Ground boy who died from leukemia May 6, drew 1,800 people Tuesday.

Photo detail

The Columbian

The Jensen family sings worship songs Tuesday afternoon during a memorial service for Luke Jensen, a 9-year-old who died of leukemia on May 6.

Photo detail

Lego sets line the sanctuary of Vancouver First Church of God on Tuesday. A favorite of Luke’s , they will be donated to cancer causes.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Apr 14, 2010)

I've lived a rough life. But I've also lived a long one. I've seen a lot and done a lot. I've been about everywhere I've a mind to go, courtesy of the military; and I'm mostly proud to be an American.

But I married into a huge family. And one of the family is a fine, upstanding young man named Luke Jensen.

Luke has fought in more wars during his short time on this earth than I ever saw during my 14 years in the military. He has the scars, has shed the tears, has felt the pain and the fear of 3 bouts of AML leukemia. He has faced enemies that make mine pale in comparison.

He has been the strongest person I have ever known.

I don't pray much. But I pray for Luke.

I haven't seen him enough, or played video games with him enough, or read to him enough, or helped his wonderful mom and dad and younger brother and sister (Who both gave bone marrow) enough.

But I wish I had.

Sometimes, I get caught up in all of this. The passions, the anger, the fear of losing a country blind me to the things that are just as important.

Luke is so tired just now. It hurts so much. I would do anything to take this burden from him. I would cheerfully bear it myself if I could find a way.

It's just.... not... fair.

It's hard to see the keyboard through my tears just now because I can't type. It's a hunt and peck kind of thing.

I ask you all, I plead with you all... I beg of you all... remember this little boy who never harmed anyone or hurt anything in your prayers. Keep him in your thoughts. Uphold him to The Lord.

His friends are all gone, since they've all lost their battle to the vicious killer that is AML. But he's surrounded by his family and the thoughts of thousands on Facebook and Caring Bridge.

He's just a little boy. Please, please, please.... pray for him.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 1) (Apr 15, 2010)

Steve is Luke's Dad.
Obviously, there is so much for which we need prayer, more than I'd care to list out here. [I'm sitting next to Luke right now as he lies on the love seat, so I definitely​ have to keep myself from crying.] We need the strength and peace that only the Lord can provide. I know that I was able to make it through today only because of His grace. When tomorrow comes, His grace will be sufficient.​

Click on the Luke picture in the upper left of the blog to go to his Caring Bridge site.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 2) (Apr 16, 2010)

I thought I'd show you a very recent picture of Luke (He's in the middle between his brother and sister.)

Here's another update:

With the changes in Luke's meds made on Tuesday, Luke's pain was much more under control yesterday. However, he was very, very sleepy through much of the day. We wondered, are we having to choose between having our son in constant pain or having him constantly asleep? After today, it's looking like he's maybe more on top of the new meds, more awake but still in less pain. (Although, at one point tonight, Luke felt intense pain and pleaded with the Lord, "Please please please please make my legs better!")


Please continue to keep Luke in your thoughts.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 3) (Apr 18, 2010)

Time becomes an increasingly precious commodity when you see it slipping away.

Saturday's update includes:
The hospice nurse visited today and spent a couple hours working with Vikki. They went over all of Luke's medications and made sense of things, and more than a couple modificatio​ns. When the nurse checked Luke's vitals, she found that he not only has an ongoing fever, he also has an increasing heart rate. As his body is getting weaker, it's having to work extra hard. My heart is just breaking for my poor son.

We're mostly able to hold ourselves together and just live in the moment. I'm better at hiding my tears than Vikki, probably because I can keep myself distracted better. A few minutes ago, as Vikki was sitting with Luke and he was building Legos, Vikki did start to quietly cry. Luke caught her and said, "Mom, I'm OK right now. And remember what I said: 'I don't have time to worry about the things that could happen. I am too busy thinking of all the happy things that have happened."

There is simply no way I could handle this nearly as well if I was faced with the same circumstance. My heart goes out to their entire family in this time of need. There are no words to adequately describe the strength and courage this young man shows.

Please keep them in your thoughts.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 4) (Apr 20, 2010)

Last night's fundraiser by all accounts was wildly successful. We had to stand in line for an hour just to get in, and the line stretched from the door of this shop down the block and around the corner. We got there after we hit the gym, and then put every burned-off calorie back on... but it was all in a good cause.

When we left, close to 9 o'clock, the line was not any shorter.

I wish Luke could have been there... if only for a moment... to see the outpouring of love for him and his family. I don't know how much this raised. And while that has some level of importance, the hundreds of people who were there seemed even more so as a gage of what really matters most in life.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 5) (Apr 21, 2010)

Some of the latest from Caring Bridge:

We are at radiation right now and after today we only have one treatment left. After that, I'm assuming we will continue to come up to Doernbecher​ just for blood counts and transfusion​s as long as Luke is up to it. Every day seems to represent a new challenge, so really we don't know what the next day holds. We continue to take it one day at a time and live in the moment.

More from Vikki (Luke's Mom)

I understand that the fund raiser raised some really good money. And I promise I will spend extra time in the gym today to get back to where I was.

But each drop of sweat is nothing compared to What Luke is going through.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 6) Luke's Song (Apr 21, 2010)

Words fail me.

From his friends and classmates at King's Way School.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 7) (Apr 22, 2010)

More from Steve, Luke's Dad.
Luke has been in less pain over the past couple days, since we increased the dosage of his pain medication. His body continues to get weaker at a frightening pace. Only a couple weeks ago, Luke was still able to walk up the stairs. Then, he still could slowly bear walk up the stairs (his arms are stronger than his legs). Even after the stairs were too much, he could at least slowly walk to the downstairs bathroom. When he could no longer walk, he could at least stand while his legs would quiver and he would tightly hug me for support. These last couple days, I don't think he can stand, even with my support. This is just moving too quickly.
There's just not enough time.

Those of you reading this who have children... go to them. Hold them close, or if they're adults and somewhere else, pick up the phone and call them.

Life has taught me that we rarely have the chance to make up for missed opportunities. Luke is teaching me that every moment is precious.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 8) Snow Day (Apr 24, 2010)

The Christmas of '08 had a snowfall of fame and legend around these parts... and due to his treatment, Luke missed it all.

So this time, the snow was brought to him.

He wanted to see snow. Here are two of the pictures of the Facebook site set up to support him and the rest of his family.

Luke's Dad has him in his lap, and Vikki, his Mom is by his side as they have been from the very beginning.

Please visit Support for the Jensen Family for the rest of the pictures and updates.

And please remember Luke.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 9) Steve on Luke's Snow Day (Apr 25, 2010)

Steve, Luke's Dad, update on Luke's snow day:
The snow had arrived, and everyone moved into action. Snow immediately started flying toward our front yard. Before long, it was covered with more than a foot of snow on both sides of the driveway. Meanwhile, a steady stream of quiet wheelbarrow​s carried snow to our back yard. There, they had to work quietly, because Luke was sleeping unaware just inside the window. It was an amazing, awesome, breathtakin​g sight to see. I am not exaggeratin​g when I use these words. It was love in action.

Afte​r all the snow had been spread (and the driveway was even sprayed clean), everyone gathered at HQ to pray together. Although I spent most of this time inside with Luke, I peaked out at the prayer and was brought to tears. There was a lot of tears today.. by everyone.
There is more... much more, on Luke's Caring Bridge site. Please go there and read the rest.

And please remember Luke.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 10) KPTV Video on Luke's Snow Day . (Apr 27)

This is from The Support for the Jensen Family Facebook page

Click the video icon (It will take you to the KPTV site)

Bryan Corey Updated video from yesterdays newscast.
Nine-year-old Luke Jensen received a surprise snow day on a Saturday in April.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 11) and a picture of Steve and Luke. (Apr 28)

Late last night, I was looking at pictures of Luke over at his Mom's facebook site when I stumbled upon this picture of Steve holding his son.

The complete agony in Steve's eyes as he holds his precious son. The unspeakable pain and sorrow. Most pictures are worth a thousand words.

This one is worth millions.

Things are not going well. Luke's time with us is fleeting. From his Mom, Vikki:

Watching Luke's body deteriorate breaks my heart on so many levels. Seeing him not able to eat, not able to stand, is unbearable. I am really not able to let my mind even think about it or I would collapse, and Luke will not allow it (If he even hears a quiver in my voice he says "Mom, you OK? You're not crying, right? I don't want you to cry, if you cry I'll cry and I don't want to cry.") So none of that is allowed. (Except in the garage, shower, outside, or where-ever I choose to hide!!)

How they can bear this is, quite simply, beyond my comprehension.

I have never seen such strength, courage, and love before in the entirety of my frequently violent and comparatively insignificant life.

I rarely have been at a loss for words, but this all causes my vocabulary to shrink to nothingness.

You learn a lesson in watching all of this. A life lesson so full of things to remind you what's important. And I will remember Luke.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 y.o. cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 12) "Our time with Luke is running short" (May 1)

It's almost over.

"I feel like," Luke said, "if there's a war, that we've already lost the war. But that's okay. We've already won it two times. I'm not afraid anymore."

"What's that mean?" I asked.

"Cancer. We've lost the war against cancer."

"Right. But what does that mean for you, Buddy?"


"That's right, Buddy. And it's just like stepping through the door to go outside. You'll just step through the door and you'll be in Jesus' arms." [My voice broke before I could complete that thought.]


It is very apparent that our time with Luke is running short. For now, we will remain at his side.

In tears,


There isn't much time.

I've just heard that Luke has said "I have seen the gates of Heaven and they are open for me."

He is not afraid.

When this is done, I will set up a blogspot for Luke that will stand for all time as another memorial to this little boy, who will have been with us for far too short of a time.

I will go to it at least once a day, as a reminder of pure innocence. As a reminder to try and not allow the anger and the rage I feel over our politics to consume me.

Luke has at least taught me that. And for as long as I live, I will try and remember the lesson that is Luke Jensen.

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 y.o. cousin who doesn't have much time left (Update 13) Fundraiser from his Facebook. (May 3, 2010)

Upcoming event

Ty Christian May 3 at 12:28pm Reply
Here is another upcoming event to help the Jensen family.

Hi Ty - my name is Cheryl Jones and I am a friend of Vikki Jensen's. I also oversee the Relay For Life of North Clark County and work for the American Cancer Society. The Jensen family has become a big part of our Relay community over the last 3 years and our Relay teams are wanting to do something to help them during this difficult time.

We are planning a bingo fundraiser on Saturday May 15th from 3-7pm in the Daybreak School commons (corner of 20th Ave and 239th St in Battle Ground). Bingo cards will be $5 for a pack of 10 and people can buy more all night long! We are working on providing a dinner as well - maybe something like hot dogs, chips and a drink for $3. Also if anyone wants to bring baked goods to sell that would take care of dessert!

What I need your help with is getting the word out. Can you send this info to everyone on the Support For the Jensen Family page? We want this this to be the biggest fundraiser yet!

Obviously all the money raised will go to the Jensen family, so bingo winners won't win cash - but prizes, and we also need help collecting those prizes. So if anyone would like to donate prizes for this fundraiser we would be very grateful!! We need prizes of all caliber - from silly to super! We also need gifts that kids can win as well. And if there is anyone who lives outside of the Portland/Vancouver area who wants to donate prizes, or cash so we can purchase prizes that would be fantastic! They can contact me at my office: or 503-795-3971

And thank you all in advance... I feel truly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community!

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left (Update 14) (May 4, 2010)

A quiet day.

I'm enjoying watching Tom and Jerry right now, if only because I'm watching it with Luke. He's been very quiet these last few days, choosing to silently watch cartoons. Just when we think he's asleep, and we try to turn down the volume or (foolishly) change the channel, he will open his eyes and change things back with the remote. He wants the cartoons on, and his family close -- but not too close. When Vikki or I try to crawl into his bed next to him, he may be tolerant for awhile, but (with a wave of his hand and a look in his eyes) will eventually kick us out each time. We keep trying.


Yesterday morning we brought Luke up to Doernbecher for a transfusion. We didn't want to waste the whole precious day there, so we only got platelets. This should help for those ongoing nose bleeds Luke has been having. Since he didn't receive red cells (his hemo counts were more borderline and only declining slowly), we were able to come home by lunch time.



Remember Luke.

Luke Jensen, my beautiful 9 y.o. cousin, is with us no more. (May 6, 2010)

He went to be with his Lord this morning at 10:45 a.m.

This was the Caring Bridge notification:
Luke is with Jesus now.

He stepped through the door, into heaven and God's arms this morning at 10:45. Our beautiful, son, so strong, smart, passionate, hilarious, sensitive, honest, loving... He is safely in the arms of our Lord, so Strong, so Loving, so Faithful, so Good.

November 28, 2000 - >>>>

[This will certainly not be our last journal entry, but it's all I have to say today.
It's time to be with family.]

1 Corinthians 15
51 Behold! I tell you a mystery. s We shall not all sleep, t but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For u the trumpet will sound, and v the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. 53 For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, andw this mortal body must put on immortality. 54 When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:

x “Death is swallowed up in victory.”55 y “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”

56 The sting of death is sin, and z the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, a who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have some particular upset with the Lord right this second, but now is not the time.

I will remember you, Luke. Always. I hope anyone and everyone reading this remembers you as well.

My thoughts on Luke Jensen. May 6, 2010

It's quiet out here in the hinterland. There's a stillness broken only by the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves... our chimes softly sing their bright songs. Off in the distance, the coyote chorus takes up their tune.

I look out my home office windows, and see only the darkness... the darkness of the evening has descended much like the darkness of loss descended when I came to find out that Luke had left us to start his journey to the Lord.

There is no light to break the darkness, save the light that is there for us all; the light that was there for this most precious gift.

With the rest of my family, I spent several hours at Steve and Vikki's house today. The signs of Luke... the Lego kits, the Star Wars DVD's, the books... and a Bible were still there in the living room where he breathed his last, surrounded by those who loved him the most.

Luke wasn't with us all that long. But my memory of him will stay with me forever. His lessons to me about courage and faith will stand the test of time. The strength of Steve and Vikki has also provided me a lesson as to what it is to be truly strong in the face of almost unspeakable adversity.

I will miss Luke as long as I live. And I will never forget his unstinting belief that for him, Heaven was his ultimate destination; and for the rest of us the sure and certain knowledge that there is no more deserving soul than the one he was fortunate to possess.

I face unpleasant and difficult battles ahead in my professional realm. But compared to the battles Luke and his family faced, they will be mere fender-benders in comparison; the rough and tumble of what I do, the odd bump and bruise compared to the fire fights of courage and faith that were every day of the last 3 years of Luke's life for him and his family.

Where he is now, there is no pain... no cancer... no tears. There is safety, and warmth and love. And I can think of no one who deserves it more.

I will miss him, and I will never forget him.

Pray for Luke. Remember him.