Friday, May 7, 2010

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 2) (Apr 16, 2010)

I thought I'd show you a very recent picture of Luke (He's in the middle between his brother and sister.)

Here's another update:

With the changes in Luke's meds made on Tuesday, Luke's pain was much more under control yesterday. However, he was very, very sleepy through much of the day. We wondered, are we having to choose between having our son in constant pain or having him constantly asleep? After today, it's looking like he's maybe more on top of the new meds, more awake but still in less pain. (Although, at one point tonight, Luke felt intense pain and pleaded with the Lord, "Please please please please make my legs better!")


Please continue to keep Luke in your thoughts.

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